Raw Food Detox

Raw Food Detox: How to Start

A raw food detox diet is a way to detoxify the body. If you do it well, it removes toxins or other contaminants that are stored in our body fat and cells. Detoxing improves health, energy, immune system, memory and digestion.


Most people are low in minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphor, sodium, iron. In order to detoxify, you need alkaline minerals. An important role of calcium is to aid in detoxification. It is an alkaline mineral and will “catch” the toxic acids that your body releases.

If the acids can’t be “bound” because your body lacks (alkaline) minerals, the chance is high that you will feel seriously ill during your detox, that your body refuses to release the toxins (you won’t be able to lose weight, since acids and toxins are often stored in your body fat), or that your body re-absorbs the released toxins again.


Therefore, it’s crucial that – before or during your detox – you get plenty of green vegetable juice and alkalizing super foods.

You may also replenish your minerals by adding a tablespoon of spirulina, blue green algae (i.e. from the “E3 Live” brand) or wheat grass powder in your purified drinking water. These have highly available amino acids and minerals. And they alkalize you.

Once you’ve remineralized, your raw food detox will be much more effective and easier.


You may also want to get activated zeolites or bentonite clay. The zeolites especially, are incredibly effective in attaching themselves to toxins, making them harmless and guiding them out of your body. The tiny zeolites neutralize the most toxic elements from our body such as arsenic, mercury.

Clay is much cheaper and is fine too but usually not strong enough. These zeolites will help you get rid of the toxins in an easy, safe and effective way. They also avoid that you reabsorb the toxins your body tries to get rid of. Highly recommended for use during the detox. Zeolites come in a tiny bottle and are pretty expensive, but I highly recommend then when you detox.

Also make sure that you drink enough alkaline and pure water during the process and that you get enough rest.

Raw Food Detox Recipes

On this website you’ll find many raw food recipes that you can use during your detox. Go to the Vegetable Juice Recipe, How To Juice Veggies page or check out some Super Foods to see if there are some that might work for you. For all juice recipes visit the Recipe Index page.

Enjoy the detox and be amazed at the results!


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