Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 9am-5pm + Sat 8am-1pm
Are you suffering from depression, anxiety or feelings of stress?
Do you need support to work through a life transition or crisis?
Accredited Mental Health Social Workers (AMHSW) are highly specialised social workers who focus solely on mental health concerns and diagnoses.
They work from a holistic framework to empower you to help heal yourself.
Mental Health Social Workers consider a person’s psycho-social environment and are well versed in government support systems and programs.
They encourage a therapeutic relationship based on collaboration and partnership rather than an expert-patient relationship.
You will be actively involved and thoroughly supported through a bio-psychosocial, integrated approach to enhance your wellbeing, and identify and address issues that impact your mental health or create inequality, injustice or discrimination.
Our Mental Health Social Workers use a variety of evidence based treatments, tailored to you and your circumstances, such as: