Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 9am-5pm + Sat 8am-1pm
Are you wondering how to uncover the root cause of your health concerns?
Part of The Integrated Wellness Clinic 3 Step Methodology is identifying the cause of poor health. It helps our Naturopath identify and address the root cause, no guessing. This means that your naturopathic corrective care treatment is 100% individualised and custom formulated.
These pathology tests may be requested from you either in consultation with our Naturopaths or with one of the many doctors we work with and may attract medicare. Our Naturopaths offer pathology testing in clinics, interstate and rural areas.
A $50 Naturopath Assessment with one of our expert practitioners is the ideal place to start with a complete overview of your health and your goals.
In just 30 minutes you could discover real solutions to help you feel amazing.
Our $50 Naturopath Assessment with one of our expert practitioners is the ideal place to start with a complete overview of your health and your goals.