Do you or someone in your family suffer from Endometriosis?
You are not alone! It occurs in 4-10% of all women. I come from a family where it was not unusual to see my mother crawling on the floor (in terrible pain) cleaning the skirtings “while she was down there”! Extremely painful periods, flooding and PMS were considered normal and just the way it was. My grandmother, mother and aunty all suffered from this disorder and had radical full hysterectomies in their late 30’s early 40’s. Nowadays there is more information out there and this radical surgery is not necessarily the only option.
Endometriosis occurs when endometrial growths develop on the ovaries, the tubes, and the outer wall of the uterus, the uterine or ovarian ligaments, the bowel, the ureters or the bladder. Incidence occurs in 4-10% of all women, 25-50% of women with infertility, 5-25% of women with pelvic masses. The true incidence of the general public is unknown as diagnosis is based on surgical visualisation.
Almost all women who develop endometriosis do so during times in their lives when they are producing oestrogen and regularly menstruating although there are other risk factors involved including:
• Genetic factors – an immediate family member, either mother or sister, is 7 times more likely to have the condition
• Menstrual factors – early menarche, long and heavy periods
• Exercise – strenuous physical activity during menstruation has an increased risk although this could be related to retrograde flow
• Type of contraception used – The use of the IUD has been associated with increased risk • Alcohol – Studies have shown alcohol consumption was higher in women with endometriosis and a decreased fertility rate
• Abnormal bowel flora – Changes in normal bowel flora may cause intestinal inflammation precipitated by endometriosis
• Sex while menstruating – There is an increased rate of endometriosis in women who had intercourse during their period
• Environmental Factors – dioxin, DDT and other substances have been implicated in endometriosis
The signs and symptoms of Endometriosis
• Cyclic pain that accompanies bleeding at time of menstruation (can involve the bladder, bowel, or rarely, bleeding at uncommon sites such as the umbilicus, abdominal wall, perineum, lung or brain)
• Dysmenorrhea
• Mittleschmertz (pain on ovulation)
• Heavy or long uncontrollable menstrual period with small or large clots
• Premenstrual spotting Menorrhagia
• Menstrual spotting post intercourse Chronic pelvic pain
• Dyspareunia (pain during intercourse) Infertility • Hot flushes prior to menstruation Hot flushes at ovulation
• Hot flushes at conception and/or implantation
• Vaginal thrush Urinary tract infections
• Nausea Abdominal bloating
• Flatulence Diarrhoea (especially with menses)
• Constipation (especially premenstrual)
• Vomiting Headaches
• Chronic fatigue Fainting
• Dizzy spells Depression, anxiety
• Pain in legs and thighs Back pain
• Hypoglycaemia Anaemia
Suggestive signs and symptoms as noted above Pelvic examination performed by a GP or gynaecologist Ultrasound Laparoscopy is the only way a definitive diagnosis of endometriosis can be absolutely confirmed.
The medical approach to treating endometriosis usually involves surgery where the endometrial lesions or cysts are removed. In one study 62.5% of women reported reduced or resolved levels or pain following surgery, however surgical treatment of endometriosis will not necessarily increase fertility.
The natural therapist approach to treating endometriosis involves assessing the individual patient and recommending a treatment plan that will improve oestrogen excess, immune system irregularities, regulate prostaglandin synthesis, ensure uterine function and menstrual flow, and when appropriate, improve fertility.
A comprehensive treatment plan utilising laboratory diagnostic testing, herbal formulas and diet and lifestyle factor are all included in your treatment plan to ensure you are receiving the best possible care.
Diet and lifestyle factors play an important role in treating endometriosis. You can reset the balance of oestrogen dominance by following a few general dietary guidelines:
Maintain a healthy weight; lose weight if necessary, androgens in fat tissue can be converted into oestrogens that increase the total level of oestrogen in the body
Reduce exposure to environmental oestrogens (e.g. pesticides) eat organic whenever possible
Exercise regularly as this helps the body to excrete excess oestrogens.
Include Brassica Vegetables – 2 serves per day Include Berries at least 2-3 times weekly 1-3 tablespoons of flaxseed every day. Flaxseed is oestrogen modulating, anti-inflammatory, soluble dietary fibre and prevents toxic reabsorption from the bowel.
Adopting a lifestyle which balances work and relaxation
Make sure of a good reliable professional back up. Endometriosis is a complex disorder and too complicated to be taken on alone.
For more information about endometriosis please contact Integrated Wellness Clinic on (07) 5458 4800 , Book in for a free introductory consultation.
We understand the challenges that you are facing. We work with passion and empathy to support you. We would love to see you in our Brisbane Naturopath Clinic or Gold Coast Naturopath Clinic our Sunshine Coast Naturopath Clinics in both Buderim and Caloundra. Alternatively, no matter where you are, we can offer naturopathy services by phone or skype consultations and provide nutritional supplementation and pathology testing advice.